We are busy arranging our Signal Integrity with Hands-On Simulation course across Europe for 2013. Right now the calendar for the first part of the year includes:
Feb 21-22, 2013 | Fredrikstad, NO | Private course
Mar 19-20, 2013 | Rothrist, CH | Being arranged
Apr 11-12, 2013 | Buenos Aires, AR | Private course (open course being arranged)
Several things are woth noting looking at the list:
- If you want a private on-site course, we are very flexible. Please email us to arrange. It’s a good option if you have about 8 or more participants. Counting travel and time, it’s probably the cheaper solution even with just 5-6 participants.
- If you are around Switzerland (or want to combine training with skiing), get on the email list and be alerted when we open for sign-up to the first class there in March.
- And last: Yes, Buenos Aires isn’t exactly Europe, but if the interest is there – we will go. So if you feel there is a need for signal integrity training in your area, get in touch and we will try to arrange something.
Let us know where and how we can help you with signal integrity and power integrity training and consulting – anywhere.