I just found some neat and quite cheap RLC smart tweezers on eBay. Having an RLC meter is really useful in many situations. For measuring the capacitance of all capacitors on a PCB at once or just an individual capacitor. Just to mention a few uses.
Maybe you were aware, but I was surprised to see how neat and cheap this type of equipment is becoming when I recently found these “Smart Tweezers” on E-Bay at around EUR 200 new. I have no first-hand experience, but this little model from Advance Devices looks nice and quite useful.
Apparently the company manufacturing the tweezers is from USA/Canada. The one I found may be gone now, but do a search for “LCR Smart Tweezers” and I am sure you will find it.
The accuracy is stated as a basic accuracy of 0.2% for R and 0.5% for LC.
A fun addition to this is the history of evolution shown at smarttweezers.org website – this goes all the way back to some nice wood carved prototypes from 2000.
If you have some first-hand experience with these types of RLC smart tweezers, I am sure others would like to know what you think – so please add your comment below.