We got another cool drone, the Crazyflie 2.0 from the nice folks at Bitcrazy that we will be giving away at the unique 3-day course by Lee Ritchay: Signal Integrity in Stockholm May 18-20, 2015.
This is really a flying eval kit. On the board you will find an nRF51822 Cortex M0 (32 MHz) with the Bluetooth low-energy radio and a STM32F405 Cortex M4 (168MHz). Apart from the obvious, there is a full 10DOF accelerometer, gyro, magnetometer and pressure sensor.
For debug and charging you have a full speed USB connector.
Lots of fun for the nerd in you. And it’s a great course that we are so proud to offer. Lee Ritchey is the best when it comes to giving solid advice backed in real measurements and tests. Don’t miss it.
Lee Ritchey: Signal Integrity – Read more and sign up. Today!