We just announced a 2-day training course on Signal Integrity in Oslo this Fall (October 16+17, 2012).
If you want to refresh your signal integrity knowledge and start getting into actual simulations for reflections and terminations, crosstalk, ground bounce and power delivery systems – then this is the course for you.
The course is organized in collaboration with Silica, Norway – who clearly see that signal integrity is an essential part of selling more FPGA’s 🙂
You need to be able to not only code the RTL, but also put the parts on a board where they will actually work first time. And sometimes that even influences how the device is programmed.
We use Cadence tools for the four lab exercises, but the focus is entirely on how to use simulation results to improve your designs – not on how to operate the actual tools. You do not need to know the tools in advance, and we will not spend much time on tool specifics.
Sign up is open now – and better get a seat before we sell out. There is a limit of 15 participants, so we insure a good learning experience with lot’s of questions.
This course is also a great followup/refresher for participants in the Lee Ritchey courses we have conducted in Oslo the last two years, where the added value here is that theory is combined with actual simulation exercises. With more than 200 happy course participants behind us, we are glad to be able to offer this in Norway.
Read more about the course on www.ee-training.dk and find the on-line sign-up button (credit card and invoice).
Update 21/8:
The Cadence distributor for Norway and Sweden: Gateline has decided to join as a partner as well. Thanks. That means we will have the latest tools available – and – someone from Gateline present to offer tool support right on the spot should we need that for any of the exercises. That’s always nice to know.