3 Fantastic Days with Signal Integrity.
Most modern electronics operates with digital signal switching times measured in the 100-300 ps range. At that rate the switching causes reflections on any trace longer than a few cm. The frequency content of the signals run into the GHz range. Parallel traces of just a few cm can easily cause crosstalk that exceeds the acceptable level.
As a designer or layouter you need to handle this and much more. The best way to handle engineering challenges like this is a good solid foundation of knowledge and experience.
We can’t give you the experience, but you can draw on literally decades of experience AND build your knowledge if you attend the Signal Integrity and High Speed PCB and System Design course we host in Oslo this summer. This can save a lot of money and time, by reducing the number of board spins required for new designs.
Who is Lee Ritchey?
Lee Ritchey is one of the industry legends on high speed design. I worked with Lee back 11 years ago at 3Com in Silicon Valley and have since had the pleasure of arranging a number of these 3-day signal integrity courses with Lee.
The amazing thing about Lee is that he has been working with high speed and advanced electronics all the way back since the Apollo mission up to today with the challenges of tiny devices like iPod nano, blazing fast super computer systems and terabit router equipment required to run sites like Youtube.
So Lee comes with more experience than most of us can really hope for. And he is dedicated to passing on as much of this as possible, in a way to ‘give back’ what he has been given. Lee is also notoriously a ‘no-bullshit type’, who wants to see proof or will make his own tests whenever he detects weak of iffy advice. That makes for some very interesting and trustworthy courses, that many engineers have enjoyed over the years.
Is this course any good?
I know there is a lot of questionable training and seminars going around. If this was one of those, I would not spend the time to put it on. This small survey result from a few previous courses says what needs to be said:
So how do I sign up?
Simple – Go to Place2Book and sign-up online. This will cost you, but really not a lot, when you compare to what you save by reducing the average number of board spins to one or two – which is a very realistic benefit from this course!