At 10am Pacific Time (19:00 in Copnhagen), Lee Ritchey will be on a 1h free and live webcast titled “PCB Materials, Simulations, and Measurements for 32 Gb/s”. The two other speakers are Heidi Barnes og Keysight (former Agilent) and Alfred Neves of Wild River Technology.
The description looks interesting enough that I would recommend this right away:
Breaking the 32 Gb/s barrier for printed circuit board (PCB) channels requires a strong understanding of PCB stack-up design, simulation methods, and measurement techniques. How a PCB fabrication document calls out the materials, such as fiber weave and surface roughness, is critical to high speed performance. Accuracies of channel performance time and frequency domain simulations at the higher data rates require knowledge of as-fabricated material properties and tolerances. Design and measurement of test structures to validate the PCB stack-up performance require custom fixtures and implementation of high frequency calibration techniques, such as fixture removal. Understanding the basic flow and interaction of stack-up design, simulation, and measurement is critical for leverage of existing low cost PCB manufacturing technology for repeatable design performance. This webcast brings together experts in each of these three areas to demonstrate the basic flow of successful stack-up design with robust correlation between measurements and simulations at 32 Gb/s and beyond.
I will not be able to attend myself, but maybe you can fill me in afterwards? 🙂
The link for registration is:
We are lucky to have Lee Ritchey coming to Stockholm this May to do a brand new full day course on this subject – on top of his regular 3-day signal-integrity course. That is all part of the Stockholm SI Week 2015 – Sign-up is open now! See you there.
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