Course “31445 Signal Integrity in High-Speed Electronics” is running again this summer at the Danish Technical University (DTU), making it one of the very few universities in the world with a serious course on this subject. Watch out for some great hardware development engineers graduating within the next few years.
The course runs over 3 weeks and is actually open to the world under the “Open University” program. So if you want to really dive into this subject, there is an open door for you. The price of participating under Open University is quite low, so the primary investment is going to be your time.
Last year was a great success and we are looking forward to this second season.
If you want a more compact course, we have a few other options for you:
- SI Week in Stocholm, May 18-22 with Lee Ritchey. Sign up NOW!
- Doulos: Signal Integrity with Hands-on Simulation, Jun 1-3 in Ringwood, UK.
- Eric Bogatin: S-Parameters in Copenhagen, June 8-9.